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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Nursery Time For Lilly

Last Sunday Lilly started going to nursery. Since my friend is over Nursery she got to go in a month early. There is only one other little girl so Lilly gets to go to Nursery now! WOHOOO!!!! I was so excited! Maybe I'm a bad mom but I needed the time to do my calling in primary and Nate hasn't gone to Elders quorum in a while b/c lilly is well very disruptive. For those of you haven't met lilly shes a bit of a pill and likes to be mischevious. My mom says that I was not like Lilly at all and that I have my hands full. But I still love her very much. She had a great time in nursery and didn't cry at all until Daddy came in to check on her. But she got over it quickly. Yeah for Nursery!!


Linnae said...

I'm with you on this one! NO, you're not a bad mom. They will have way more fun playing with toys and eating snacks than pacing the halls with dad. Becca is still 4 months away and we are counting down! Jason hardly ever gets to go to EQ anymore either. :)

Laura Davies said...

yeah...Lilly is NOT a pill..She is super good...Love ya

Aleisha said...

Both Alaina and Garrett have been that way. I love that I'm in Nursery now, Garrett's been with me for a while. I'm sure Lilly is loving church now.

Harris Family said...

I remember being the same way with McKenna, I couldn't wait to put her in nursery. I think once they start walking it is hard to go to church with them, they are so wiggly. She is cute though!