It's taken me awhile to start telling people. But we are 13 wks pregnant! We are due October 15. We are very excited!! Because I am a diabetic, I am a high risk pregnancy. So theres a lot of stuff that goes into that. Some of you may be interested in knowing about that and if your not oh well. So Nathan and I wanted to have a baby for quite some time now, but since we were in school and we couldn't afford good maternity insurance we had to wait a year in order for Nathan to get insurance through work. Then when we got that taken care of we had to go see my diabetic doctor and have her start montoring me to make sure I was healthy enough to start having kids. After we got the clear from her than we started trying in August. After I got pregnant, in my 1st trimester I have been to 6 dr. apts. Even though I am used to seeing doctors all the time, I'm kind of sick of going to doctor visits already and I know I have a way to go. BUt anyways, I am able to go to a regular OB doc that is actually friends with my diabetic doc, because I am a well controlled diabetic. But I had to go meet with a highrisk ob doc to take a first trimester screening to screen for abnormalities and things like that. The pictures from that are on here. We got to see so many things and it's only 13 wks old. So anyways, even though I am having to do a lot and worry a lot and make sure my Blood sugar levels are where they need to be, I am very grateful to be able to have kids. Back when I was first diagnosed with diabetes a lot of women with diabetes weren't having kids. They usually induce diabetics 36-37 wks, so really I'll be having it in september. But so far everything is going good, and I'm feeling much better now that I am past the first 12 wks. I was 11 when I was diagnosed with diabetes, and my doc says that if I had diabetes for twenty years (like if I had gotten it when I was 3) because of the stress and everything it does to our bodies than they would have recommended that I adopt but since I have til I'm 31, I just have to try and have as many as my body can have. So I'm very excitied that everything is going good and everything looks normal.
3 years ago
I am so excited for you. What a blessing. We will be thinking of you and praying that everything goes well. Your kids will be so blessed to have a mom who appreciates the chance to be a mom
Love Laura
aww your baby looks so cute..I cant wait to meet HER...i can't picture you having a boy, so Im calling the baby a her!
congratulations! that IS a big secret! so excited for you guys! keep us all posted with all the details!
Yeah! Congrats you guys. We are very excited for you. Keep us posted.
That is so exciting. I was looking at your little baby tracker and just remembering how quickly it all goes. It seems like yesterday I had 187 days left, but no I am down to 19.. Good luck we will keep you in out thoughts and prayers. Lots of Bingham Great-grandbabies coming this year. Love Rosie
Wow, that's awesome! I'm glad you've got some good docs working with you. Take care,
Yeah! I am so excited for you both! I am sure all will be well and I am so grateful that your diabetes is well controlled! I worry about you a lot so, I will always keep you both in my prayers! Love, Aunt Stacey
Congratulations! How exciting, you are very good at not giving any hints away!
yay for you guys! Congrats, that is so awesome. I will be praying that all goes well! I really am excited for you though, you will be such a good mom.
I am sooooo excited for you and Nathan!!!! Our babies will have sooo much fun playing together! Having our seconed last week really reminds me how much I love these little ones and how precious they are! You will be a great mommy! congrats again and again!
That is so exciting for you guys. And just watch, at first you think that it is all going by so slowly and then bam- you are getting ready to have a baby. At least that is how I feel. Glad that you are feeling better!
Congratulations!, again the only thing that concerns me is that you have a pink baby ticker on your blog, if you keep thinking pink and this baby turns out to be a boy, my nephew may have problems explaining why his mom dresses him in pink. Think Neutral colors, it may have a more harmonious outcome. We're very excited for you guys!
Well your in luck baby-gaga. com just added neutral tickers so you can have a more harmonious outcome
OHHH YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think its a boy...not to burst your bubble but I doooo!!! Miss ya
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