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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hibscus Tree

So this is my Hibscus tree. I love this tree and I got it at Walmart for like 20 bucks. But anyways it sprouts these pretty flowers all year long. My work had one and it was always so pretty so I got one too. I will eventually post some pics of our house, I just keep thinking I want to do that when I have more decorating done but that will probably be never when I am finished. So look for those next time!


The Haskin Family!!!! said...

Cute! im excited to see your home!

Unknown said...

I love those flowers, my parents have one too. The sad part is that the flower is only in bloom for one day and then it just shrivels up...but then you get another pretty one the next day! I noticed your picture of you pregnant...very cute! So I'm like 21 weeks and I think I'm bigger than you! I guess with your second you get bigger faster than with your first. But looking back at my pregnancy pictures with Miley, I was tiny! I don't know what I was complaining about! haha
So do you guys have a name picked out? Or is it going to be a surprise?

Aleisha said...

you guys need a dog. You'd be proud we went to the Bronx Zoo today, and Alaina loves the Giraffes. She made us print her off a picture of one when we got home, and she carries her stuffed Giraffe around everywhere.

Paul and Stacey said...

What a great tree to have...it is really pretty! Are you and Nathan coming to Utah for Christmas? I cannot wait to see the baby! I have some little outfits bought and ready to send for her. So, send me your new address.
Love ya, Stacey

Tyler and Jill said...

I can't wait to see pictures of your new house and the new baby!!!