Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Lilly is two!!

Lilly turned two on Monday!! She is getting so big I can hardly believe it. So for Lilly's bday we had a family dinner at my parents house on Sunday than on Monday her and I went to see Lion King (she loves movies), then that night we went to Mcdonalds b/c she loves chicken nuggets. She gots lots of presents from both grandparents and us. Here are some facts about Lilly:

1. She has a very strong personality if I do something she doesn't like she'll sit there and yell at me for awhile
2. She talks a lot but you can't understand her
3. She loves Barbies and Barbie movies
4. She dances all the time
5. She doesn't like water (will not get in a swimming pool unless we force her)
6. Loves playgrouds
7. Loves fruit, would eat it all day
8. Is learning about the potty
9. Loves taking naps and going to sleep as long as she has her binkie (I need to get rid of it)
10. Waves hi to everyone, especially in Walmart

Lilly one day old

Barbie bday cake I made

Dress from Grandma Smith she wore to Church

Trying to blow out her candles

Guess what your 2!!

Eating at Mcdonalds


Chris'sBlog said...

cute! Happy Birthday to Lilly!!!


Linnae said...

Time flies. What a cute girl! Happy Birthday, Lilly!

Harris Family said...

wow I can't believe she is two already! She is so cute and it sounds like she had a fun birthday. Miss you guys!